Short Story - The Canvas


The Canvas

By Isabelle Coto

The sun had just started to set and so did Mary’s plan. Mary sat in her glass greenhouse finishing the final details on her 72 x 36 inched canvas. It was a human sized painting of herself and her husband Tom Franklin, though it was a bit unusual as she didn’t paint a face on her husband head and it was left blank white.

Tom walked through the front door late from work as usual and soon enough both the partners were arguing with each other once again.

“What’s for dinner?” Tom said as soon as he walked through the front door.

“Its not ready yet.” replied Mary.

“WHY NOT? You’ve had all day to make it and you’re a housewife that’s what your made to do!” Tom said furiously.

At that point Mary felt furious rage go through her blood. She remained calm and gently smiled back to her husband as her response to him. Mary then leaded Tom to the greenhouse room to show him her painting. Tom was confused as his face was just a white blotch on the canvas. Mary picked the painting up and pounded the thick canvas onto Toms head. He fell over from gaining a concussion. Mary realised his head was right on top of the painted body and his head fit perfectly. She called her next-door neighbour over, police officer Matt Smith. Mary and Matt Smith were having an affair with each other and didn’t know how to get rid of Tom, so they came up with the plan to kill her husband. Matt then came over to Mary’s house and they hung up his dead body with the painting through his head on the wall above the fireplace. Matt made sure that Tom was going to die as he had a severe concussion and would die if he didn’t get treatment to it as soon as possible. The plan was a success. There was no screaming or loud noises so neighbours wouldn’t suspect a thing. Mary’s desire is to get all of Toms things as she is in his will for ownership of everything. Mary would have all her stuff and a ‘perfect’ life with her soon to be new husband Matt Smith.

Once Mary and Matt hung up the painting, they scurried along her backyard and went into Matts Garden. They then had dinner together and Mary walked home. A fake loud scream came from her lungs as she saw her husband dead. Matt came running over faking his sadness and Mary started to fake cry as she called 000.

“000 what is your emergency?”

“Hi yes, my husbands dead! He’s hung up on the wall with a canvas through his head.” Mary said franticly. “Police officer Matt Smith is with me but I’m not sure what to do.”

“Its alright. Police, ambulance and investigators are on their way.”

The call ended and with minutes later her house was surrounded by officers of the law and yellow tape as well as investigators. The officers and ambulance crew were working on getting Tom out of the canvas whilst the investigators were talking to Mary and Matt and asked them where they were all night from when Tom finished his shift and when they found him dead.

“Tom was coming home late tonight so Matt Smith invited me over for dinner in which I accepted. We watched a movie after to pass time until Tom came home. I didn’t even know he came home until I decided I wanted to go to bed because it was getting late but then, I found him hung on the wall.” Replied Mary while bursting out in tears halfway through her sentences.

“Is this true Officer Matt Smith” asked an investigator.

“Yes, this is true. Everything Mary is saying is the truth and I can vouch for her.” Replied Matt.

Mary's and Matts plan was being finalised as the investigators believed them, and they both knew they weren’t long away from being together. The officers on duty didn’t find anything suspicious so they brushed off the case as a death with an unknown murderer.

Mary added “I don’t know who was out to kill Tom, he seemed to be friends with everyone.”

A while after the officers, ambulance and investigators left, Mary went over to Matts house as she claimed to be scared to go into her own house as she as well didn’t want to be murdered.

All Mary Franklin and Matt Smith knew was that they would be together, no more Tom and nobody knew a thing about what they had done.

Photo by: Lady-Photo


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